Offering The Bedpan

1. Place protective pads below the buttocks in order to prevent wetting.
2. While using the correct size of bedpan, make sure you roll the patient to the opposite side, or ask them to do it themselves, in order to position it carefully for collection of urine or stool.
3. Make sure to raise the height of the bed head for comfort during the procedure.
4. Prior to removing the bedpan, provide the resident with a good amount of toilet tissue.
5. Lower the head of the bed prior to removing the pan.
6. Empty the contents of the bedpan into the toilet.
7. Make sure to clean the perineal area carefully from urine or stool.
8. Clean and dry the bedpan carefully, and then put it away in corresponding drawer.
9. Record the total output of the patient throughout the procedure.
10. Report any alarming factors, such as strange odors or irregular size.


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