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1.You first need to place the resident in a supine or sitting position. In case the resident has been active, you should wait for about five minutes before beginning.
2. You need to pick the proper size for the cuff, as it should take 40% of the upper arm, lest you want false readings.
3. After this is done, locate the brachial artery, found in the bend of the elbow.
4. Place the cuff around two-finger widths above elbow and fixate it.
5. Place the arm at the position of the heard when sitting, or if in supine position, leave it by the side of the resident.
6. If there is a dial present, place the cuff so that it can be seen clearly.
7. Place the diaphragm of the stethoscope on the brachial artery, and fixate it. You need to avoid touching clothing or cuff with the stetoschope.
8. Close the valve of the pump until it is tight.
9. Inflate the cuff quickly for about 8 seconds, until you reach 30 mmHg above the estimated pressure.
10. Release pressure slowly while deflating the cuff, and allow the needle to fall with a speed of 2 to 3 mmHg per second.
11. Take note of the first clear sound, and remember where the needle pointed at that moment.
In case you miss it, remove the cuff slowly, and wait for about a minute before proceeding again.
12. Slowly continue to deflate, until you reach the moment where the sound stops being heard. Note that point with the needle.
13. Keep listening while the needle progresses 10 to 20 mmHg beyond this point, and then deflate completely.
In case you are measuring for the first time, measure on both arms, and make sure you record the second set as the baseline. For any following measurements, make sure you use the arm with the stronger readings. Avoid measuring at the arm, which is affected by a condition.
14. Finally remove the cuff and return the resident to their initial position.
[youtube_sc url=sJKg9Xo7f3o width=700]