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1. Using a glove, open the drainage at the bottom of the drainage bag, and empty the urine in graduate.
2. Use an alcohol swab to clean the drain, careful not to touch it and contaminate it, and then return the drain to the cover of the bag.
3. The urinary drainage bag needs to be hanged from the bed frame, not from a moving part of the bag like the side rail.
4. In order to read the level of urine, place the graduate at a flat surface with a towel beneath it, all within eye contact height.
5. After emptying the urine into the toilet, rinse the graduate and dispose of the paper tissue.
6. Wash your hands after you have removed the disposable gloves.
7. Make full recordings of the output.
8. Any sort of unusual characteristic, presented in the output, should be reported to the nurse right away.
[youtube_sc url=e9y96kmnR2c width=700]