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There are a lot of ways to obtain free LPN programs in Nevada. For instance, the Washoe Health System of the state is encouraging the residents to pursue a career in nursing by providing tuition reimbursement and employment opportunities. Individuals who are interested for this kind of program will receive financial help to become a practical nurse. In return, they also have to agree on working within the Washoe Health System for a certain period of time. This is how most of the free LPN programs in Nevada works.
Scholarship programs for individuals interested in the Licensed Practical Nursing are available at various sources. For those who are not familiar with this profession, LPN’s or the Licensed Practical Nurses have major roles to play in any healthcare field. They work alongside with doctors, nurses and other members of the healthcare team to ensure safety and provide quality nursing services to clients and patients. Without them, it can be difficult for a healthcare facility to function thus, the government has been recruiting potential LPN’s in order to address this kind of issue.
High school graduates, unemployed residents or individuals who want to change their career can seek for free LPN programs in Nevada in order to be a qualified healthcare professional and be employed in the healthcare field. There are a lot of sponsorships, scholarship programs and tuition reimbursement options available for aspiring LPN’s. If these are not available, you can apply for financial aid packages from private organizations and charities. You can also try to inquire from the schools in the state where free LPN programs in Nevada are provided.
Nevada Healthcare Access Program
There is a shortage of healthcare workers in Nevada. As a result to this, the state provides free education through the Nevada Healthcare Access Program. This kind of program allows the residents to pursue a healthcare degree without having the burden to pay the tuition and other related expenses. Qualified students will receive a loan repaying assistance and other kinds of financial assistance to help them pursue their goals. They will be required to work in any healthcare location in the state for at least two years, in exchange to their free LPN education. The Nevada Healthcare Access Program has a limited number of scholars so interested students should apply beforehand and must be able to submit the requirements in order to be considered.
Nursing Home Abuse.Net Scholarship
There are a number of scholarship programs available in Nevada and one of them is the NursingHomeAbuse.Net Scholarship. This kind of program is available for individuals who want to pursue a career in the healthcare field. It provides financial assistance amounting $5,000 per school year, which can be used for tuition fees, uniforms, books, and other related expenses of the program. The Nursing Home Abuse.Net Scholarship aims to prevent the abuse of residents in the nursing care facilities, thus, students in this program should be committed in helping this advocacy put into action. Applying for this scholarship is not difficult as long as the requirements are met, but the process of becoming qualified is limited. There are only few slots for the financial assistance so students are screened appropriately before they will be granted with a certain amount of aid.
University of Southern Nevada – CNS Scholarships
Like any other universities in the state of Nevada, the University of Southern Nevada has foundation scholarships that provide financial assistance to qualified students. These CNS Scholarships are funded from prominent individuals and organizations that grant the students an opportunity to finish their LPN program without worrying on where to get all the fees. The CNS scholarship is intended for those who meet the requirements. Interested students can apply though the school’s website and complete a single application. They also have to show their interest, dedication and commitment in finishing the LPN program they want to take. The CNS scholarships of the University of Southern Nevada is a perfect program for students to cut the cost of their tuition fees and other related expenses like uniforms, books and supplies.
Nevada Career Institute
Nevada Career Institute is one of the schools in Nevada that offers a wide range of health related training programs. Individuals who want to get a good training can enrol an LPN program at Nevada Career Institute. The school has great facilities and well experienced faculty and staff, which allows their students to be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills of the profession. Students who want to seek financial assistance can apply for Workforce Investment Act in order to gain a scholarship and study the program without paying anything. The Workforce Investment Act can be used at Nevada Career Institute, provided that the student qualifies for it and maintains good grades for the entire LPN program.
Kaplan University (Brightwood College)
Kaplan University offers a Licensed Practical Nursing program that allows the students to become a healthcare professional in a short span of time. The LPN program of Kaplan University has daytime and evening classes. Students can choose which class to take and can also take an online class if they wished to finish the program without having to attend the traditional classroom setting. Nevertheless, students who cannot pay the necessary tuition and fees for the program can apply for the Workforce Investment Act provided by the state. This can be done through the school’s admissions office.
Great Basin College
Great Basin College is also one of the institutions providing free LPN programs in Nevada. They are approved for providing WIA, which allows the underprivileged students to take the program without paying a lot. The Workforce Investment Act is a program by the government that provides financial assistance to individuals who want to take the LPN program. Through the Great Basin College, individuals under the WIA can have the chance to become a practical nurse. The institution provides a combined classroom lecture, laboratory skills training and clinical rotation. Once the training program is completed, students can take the licensure exam and be qualified to work in any healthcare institution.