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One of the reasons why free LPN programs in Michigan are available is because of the fact that there are not enough qualified Licensed Practical Nurses in the state. Despite the increasing demand of healthcare services, only few individuals are still taking a career in this field. Thus, the state provides several grant and scholarship programs in order to encourage the residents to pursue a career in nursing. The average pay of Licensed Practical Nurses in Michigan is $41,000 and this does not include the benefits, incentives and other perks of the employer. If you become a Licensed Practical Nurse, it is not impossible to achieve career growth and development. LPN’s can still pursue a Bachelor’s program in order to become a Registered Nurse in the state, and receive a higher pay annually.
Nevertheless, the free LPN programs in Michigan are not difficult to obtain. Interested individuals have to search for schools or companies offering this scholarships and grants. Some healthcare facilities do provide a free LPN training to individuals who want to work for them after passing the certification. This is a great opportunity to receive employment right after becoming certified. Like any other scholarship programs, applicants have to make sure that they are qualified for it. Aside from the minimum GPA of 2.5, it is also necessary for an individual to be clear from criminal offense, communicable diseases and be fully immunized.
Availing the free LPN programs in Michigan is a good idea for individuals to get a full support in their education. It is also a better answer to unemployment especially that the economy is not stable and only few job opportunities are available. Try to inquire from these schools and know how to avail their scholarship programs and grants.
Nursing Foundation – Start Nurse Scholarship
In response to the shortage of nurses in the state of Michigan, the Nursing Foundation created a Start Nurse Scholarship and provided several free LPN programs in various colleges and universities. This program is made available to attract residents to apply for an LPN program without paying anything. Many areas in Michigan are still in need of Licensed Practical Nurses thus, the program aims to help the aspiring nurses obtain an LPN degree without paying for their tuition and living expenses. Students who are interested in this kind of scholarship can inquire at any schools in Michigan or through the office of Nursing Foundation.
Walmart Associate’s Scholarship
Walmart Associate’s Scholarship is a scholarship program for students who are employed at Walmart and those who have parents working at the company as well. This scholarship program is intended for high school seniors who plan to attend college any time soon. It provides $3,000 of financial assistance to successful applicants of the scholarship, which is a great reduction on the total cost of the tuition and fees. Depending on the total cost of the LPN program, students under the Walmart Associate’s Scholarship can either pay nothing or a minimal amount of money for the remaining balance of their tuition costs.
Michigan Nursing Scholarship
Michigan Nursing Scholarship is only given to students who are willing to be employed in healthcare facilities in the rural areas. Since there is a limited number of Licensed Practical Nurses in Michigan, the state wants to distribute these healthcare professionals to far flung areas as well. Freshmen and non-freshmen students can apply for the scholarship. They can enjoy a free of charge LPN program at any schools in the state accepting this kind of scholarship. The Michigan Nursing Scholarship not only provides free tuition and fees, but also uniforms, medical supplies and allowance. However, this is only given to applicants who can show their willingness to work in rural areas after becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse.
Gobegic Community College
Gogebic Community College is a community college that provides excellent educational programs and trainings for potential healthcare providers. They have a Licensed Practical Nursing program which is a great opportunity for students to work in a healthcare facility where the job is stable and well compensating. Gogebic Community College is also one of the schools recognizing the Workforce Investment Act, which allows the students under the program to receive free of charge education. Individuals who want to be a WIA scholar should inquire at the school’s financial aid office and know the requirements for the program. The LPN program of Gogebic Community College is one of the most reliable and excellent training programs in the state.
Acardia Career Institute
The Acardia Career Institute is one of the promising institutions in Michigan that provides vocational and career training programs for students. The school is open for high school graduates as well as non-traditional students who want to pursue a career in the healthcare field. Individuals who are under the Workforce Investment Act can apply and study an LPN program at Acardia Career Institute. This program has 1270 credit hours and graduates become competent and prepared for the certification exam. Individuals who are interested to become scholars of the WIA can inquire at the school’s admission office and know the requirements needed to be qualified.
Kirkland Community College
Kirkland Community College is a part of the Workforce Investment Act program in Michigan. In this kind of program, individuals who lost their jobs or unemployed can receive financial assistance to study an LPN program and pursue a career in the healthcare field. Kirkland Community College is open for students who are under the Workforce Investment Act. They provide the same mode of instructions to non-traditional students and make them sure to become competent and excellent in the healthcare field.
Brown Mackie College
Brown Mackie College also provides scholarship programs for aspiring Licensed Practical Nurses. They accept individuals under the Workforce Investment Act and train them to become healthcare providers of the state. Brown Mackie College has other campuses in Dallas, Louisville, Phoenix, Atlanta, Oklahoma and Tucson. Individuals who are interested for the LPN program can apply for the scholarship programs in the campus.