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Licensed Practical Nurses are healthcare providers found mostly in hospitals, nursing homes and other healthcare facilities. They are the primary caregivers who take care with patients with various healthcare needs. However, becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse involves a lot of passion and commitment. To deal with patients every day including their significant others, take a lot of courage, perseverance and patients. Thus, if you want to become a Licensed Practical Nurse, you have to have the right attitude to survive in this kind of profession.
Nevertheless, becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse involves finishing a certified program from the state of Kansas. Several colleges, universities and institutions are offering LPN programs which can be a perfect avenue to pursue this kind of career, but you can receive free LPN programs in Kansas through the Kansas Nursing Service Scholarship. This is a program to assist and encourage individuals to become a Licensed Practical Nurse and pursue a course to become a nurse later on. Students will need to seek a healthcare provider who can serve as the sponsor of the program. The employer in return, will provide the necessary funds for the scholarship. This scholarship will be utilized as a way to pay for their tuition and other related expenses in their studies. Once they finish the free LPN programs in Kansas, they will then work for that employer in a span of time, usually a year or more than that. This is a great opportunity to work in the healthcare field without spending a lot of money for the program.
Several scholarships for the LPN program can be obtained in the state of Kansas. Some local organizations, employers and community based groups offer scholarships of different scopes. Of course, some of the schools have a list of foundation scholarships for the LPN program. Some might not provide the entire tuition and fees, but some have free LPN trainings which unprivileged students can avail.
Scholarship/ Free LPN Programs in Kansas:
Grants and scholarships are one of the perfect ways to receive a helping hand for a free LPN program. They are made in a way to be accessible in any cities in Kansas. So regardless of where you live, whether in Lawrence, Overland Park, Wichita, Shawnee or Kansas City, you can avail these free LPN programs in Kansas.
Hobbie LPN Nurse Scholarship
The Hobbie LPN Nurse scholarship is available for individuals who qualify and who are residents of Kansas. Applicants of the program should enrol in an LPN training program and be able to work as a nurse after the training is completed. Since the program is limited to a number of students, only those who pass the qualification are granted with financial assistance. Hobbie LPN Nurse Scholarship is a great opportunity to become a Licensed Practical Nurse and eventually a Registered Nurse in the state of Kansas.
Kansas Nurse Foundation
Kansas Nurse Foundation offers scholarship programs for nursing students and individuals interested in the LPN program. This program provides financial assistance to students in order to help fill any gaps on their tuition not covered by various methods. Applicants for the scholarship program should keep an average of 3.0. They also have to submit a written essay about their reasons for taking a nursing course and how they can contribute to the field in general.
Kansas Nursing Service Scholarship
Kansas Nursing Service Scholarship is available for men and women pursuing an LPN program or RN program in the state. If an applicant agrees to work for an employer who will sponsor for them, they can receive a full financial assistance from start until the end of the program. Individuals who want to apply for this grant should know the things that they agree upon. Usually, if they seek financial assistance for two years, it is necessary for the student to work for the employer for two years. This is how the scholarship works and it should be clear to the applicant and the employer before it is availed.
Colby Community College
Colby Community College is one of the leading community colleges in Kansas that happens to be a WIA provider for students eligible for the services of the workforce investment act. Two level nursing programs are available for students interested to apply. Successful applicants will be divided to two nursing programs. Some students will complete the first year of study to work as a practical nurse. Others will continue with the level two program to pursue a career as a nurse. Theoretical instruction and clinical practice will be provided by the students in order to qualify for the certification programs.
Highland Community College
Students in Kansas who received a WIA tuition assistance can enrol at Highland Community College. This community college accepts sponsored students from an employer in order to make them one of the top notch providers of healthcare services in the state. Highland Community College offers nursing programs and LPN courses for individuals who want to work in the healthcare field. Both of these programs provide an advanced instruction including a clinical practice in a hospital, nursing home or long term care facility. The institution believes that hard work and dedication can make a student successful in the healthcare field, so they encourage everyone to possess these skills in order to attain their goals.
Barton Community College
Barton Community College offers educational opportunities for students in Kansas who are under a WIA program. This program allows the students to become a healthcare professional without putting them on pressure to pay expensive tuition and fees. Students can take a Practical Nursing Program or a Nursing program, depending on their qualification. Those who finished an LPN program can pursue an RN program which allows them to work as a Registered Nurse after passing the licensing exam. The programs of Barton Community College are provided by competent and expert healthcare professionals and instructors. At the end of the program, graduates will be qualified to take the certification or licensing exam and become one of the best healthcare providers in Kansas.