CNA Classes in Utah

Free CNA Classes in Utah

The work sector in Utah has seen dramatic transformations in the last several years. Because of the lack of chances, some individuals are even deciding to leave the country to pursue their dreams overseas. Recent research indicated that just a minority of working-age persons have full-time jobs, with many of them working part-time in retail or other fields to augment their earnings when they’re at home or away from work. CNA training is open to anybody with a high school diploma. Even if you have no prior experience, you may complete the course in as little as six months, regardless of your current ability level. If you pass the certification test, you’ll be able to get a lucrative job in the healthcare industry. Certified nursing assistants are employed by the State Board of Nursing. Individuals may be able to work their preferred schedules because of this.

The state of Utah has several options for CNA training. Students may get financial aid from a number of these institutions. An application and proof that you satisfy the requirements are necessary for participation in this program. Medical facilities, such as hospitals and nursing homes, are excellent places to get work. Those who want to work as a nurse’s assistant may enroll in and complete the training via this organization. A new career awaits them when they pass their certification test!

Institutions with Free CNA Classes in Utah:

College of Eastern Utah

The CNA training program at the College of Eastern Utah is 120 hours long. These classes are overseen by a Registered Nurse for 16 weeks of clinical and classroom work. Students who want to become certified nursing assistants (CNAs) must have earned at least a GED or high school diploma, as well as a criminal background check and a health history form. As a result, CNAs are expected to know a wide range of medical procedures and methods and to have some prior experience working with patients. Bathing, toileting, taking vital signs, and other services are all part of their job. The Nursing Board of Aide Registry offers a CNA certification test to students who successfully complete the program. They may also submit an application for financial aid through the financial aid office of their school. Scholarships are available for healthcare professionals. They’ll pay for all of your course-related expenditures, including tuition.

Avalon Health Care

A senior care institution in Utah called Avalon Health Care provides free seminars for nurses searching for a position in high-quality nursing homes. In order to become a copywriter, you must first pass a test and then submit a sample of your work to the agency. There is a training program that includes review sessions and interviews with recruiting supervisors after this, so be prepared. People who have made it to the top in Utah may be eligible to become Certified Nurses for the state. Additionally, they have the option of working at Avalon Healthcare as Certified Nursing Assistants, where they may earn a wage. Candidates for the free CNA training program must fulfill all of the eligibility requirements. If you’re interested in a certain program, the institution’s criteria will be determined by that program. Prospective nursing assistants must demonstrate the financial necessity and academic distinction, but the hospital is also looking for those who can commit to a certain length of time to work.

Federal Heights Rehabilitation and Nursing

CNA training is offered all throughout Utah by Federal Heights Rehabilitation and Nursing Center. There has been a surge in the need for nurses, and these courses are ideal for those who want to become caregivers after they graduate or just make some extra money on the side. Before participating, you must pass a screening procedure if you fall into one of these categories. Most programs involve classroom lectures, laboratory training, and clinical internships at the institution where they are offered. In order for the students to learn and practice their abilities, a Registered Nurse will oversee them. To become a certified nursing assistant, you must pass a test after completing your education and training. If you’re hired, you’ll have a written agreement outlining the terms of your employment. Giving back to the community brings joy to many individuals. Being able to assist others is just as important as receiving thanks. As a result, this program is vital, as it gives your employees the opportunity to enhance their abilities. It’s an amazing chance for people who do their homework to be schooled on an effective professional path. In addition to providing a solid foundation, Federal Heights Health Sciences’ CNA training classes are free, and the certification test is simple to pass.

Heritage Care Center

As a means of drawing in new patients and providing assistance to their staff, they provide these classes. For your year-round training program, choose the top individuals. Here is a list of the minimum requirements for working as a nursing assistant at the Heritage Care Center. New grads may find a rewarding career as a Certified Nursing Assistant. A Registered Nurse will be on hand to guide and monitor you while you study the stuff you’ll need to succeed in the classroom. If you want to work as a Certified Nursing Assistant for a few months or even longer, the institution will help you learn all of the skills you need to do so. Background checks are an absolute need in the vast majority of places of business. For example, when HCC (Heritage Care Center) hires new employees, this is required. To guarantee that all candidates are of legal age and in good health with a clean background and proper vaccination records, this specific criterion is necessary. You’ll also need to be physically fit to compete. It’s important to remember that the quantity of available CNA jobs dictates who may enroll in the free training program.

Copper Ridge Healthcare

A CNA training program is offered at Copper Ridge Healthcare on an annual basis. Once you pass the certification test, these courses will qualify you for employment. Getting your CNA certification is an excellent method to get your professional career off to a strong start while also securing stable employment. In addition to classroom lectures and hands-on practice, Utah offers career options for those who complete the program. There are several advantages to having Copper Ridge on your side. Taking this course will provide you the chance to upgrade your career or enter a new healthcare profession. Applicants for the free CNA program must normally fulfill pre-materialized requirements, such as completion of relevant education and experience. Additionally, they have to be willing to labor at the institution in order to get a reimbursement for their costs. Training may be finished in only a few weeks, and graduates are generally given a job offer after passing the certification exam.

Davis Applied Technology College

A certificate in nurse assisting may be earned by completing a course at Davis Applied Technology College. A variety of healthcare environments and associated areas are open to them as career options. As a result of the expensive expense of training, many individuals are turned off from becoming a phlebotomist or a nurse. These programs are intended to provide eligible applicants with hands-on classroom and laboratory experience that strengthens their clinical intuition and skills. ” Students may learn the skills they’ll need to work as a CNA at the Davis Applied Technology Center. Graduates are able to put what they’ve learned into practice by completing the certification exam. Aspiring Certified Nursing Assistants may apply for a scholarship to help pay for their education. Students are selected for these scholarships and grants based on a variety of factors, including their stated career goals, academic record, and overall dedication to the nursing profession. Many individuals apply, but only a handful are accepted into the program. The mission of Davis Applied Technology College is to provide healthcare training that is accessible to all students. An economical option to begin your career in this industry is via the program.

Snow College – Richfield Campus

In order to become a certified healthcare professional in the state of Utah, people must complete an 18-month training program at Snow College’s Richfield Campus. CNA training at Snow College is among the best in the country. It comprises classroom lectures, lab activities, and clinical training so that you may put everything into practice in your daily routine. The Richfield Rotary Club Scholarship may be available to those who want to take a CNA course but can’t pay the fees. Students at Snow College may get up to $500 in financial help via these programs, which often focus on healthcare-related subjects. Money is offered to students who have excelled in the classroom, have a good work ethic, and have been active in their communities. Students who are interested in applying may do so via the school’s financial aid office, which offers scholarships to both low-income and special-needs students. In order to be eligible for a loan or scholarship, applicants must be approved and wait for financing, based on the number of available slots and the number of applicants chosen.

Clearfield Job Corps Center

The CNA Trainee Program at Job Corps Center is a high-quality program that allows you to get a taste of what it’s like to work in a healthcare setting. In order to help young people between the ages of 18 and 24 go into high-paying occupations, the nursing assistant program was created. Healthcare, social work, and education are all on the list. It’s a good idea to check out this free CNA training! Lectures and clinical practice are intertwined with laboratory work in a healthcare center. Before enrolling, make sure to acquire the go-ahead from your school. The Clearfield Job Corps Center only offers free CNA training to a limited number of students. a clinical teacher acts as a mentor and is in charge of overseeing it. Applicants between the ages of 16 and 24 are often admitted with a high school certificate or a GED. A criminal record or contagious condition can also disqualify you. In order to help you get the job of your dreams, Clearfield Job Corps Center will provide all of the necessary skills and resources. These services include but aren’t limited to free counselors; visitor services; memory aid; medical supplies; and textbooks.

Eagle Gate College

If you’re looking to become a nursing assistant, Eagle Gate College is an excellent option. It offers an education that has been authorized by the WIA and allows you to learn without having to pay tuition. People who are jobless and living in poverty may be helped under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). Medical supplies and resources for individuals in need are also provided. Quality CNA training is provided to students enrolled in this program. They’ll spend a lot of time in the classroom, in the lab, and at a nearby healthcare institution, where they’ll practice their skills in a real-world setting. It’s a well-known healthcare school that offers a certificate in nursing, Eagle Gate College. Helps students pass their exams and acquire the skills needed in any healthcare environment.

Pinnacle Nursing and Rehabilitation

In order to be considered for a position as an assistant at Pinnacle Nursing & Rehabilitation, you must take a free introduction course. For individuals who are already qualified or have completed training, they offer paid, recognized classes. Nursing and rehabilitation services are provided to qualifying candidates at Pinnacle Nursing and Rehabilitation. It is a requirement of the company that all job seekers submit a formal application to the human resources department. Proof of qualifications and experience must be provided once the candidate has disclosed his or her credentials. In order to attract additional nursing assistants to work at Pinnacle, the institution offers a free CNA (certified nursing assistant) training program. Candidates are evaluated on the basis of their experience and education, as well as the post for which they are applying. Depending on the sort of institution where you’ll be working, you’ll undergo a range of training sessions. Before moving on to clinical practice and classroom education. After passing the test, you’ll need to complete the rest of the process in order to be certified.

Arlington Hills Healthcare Center

CNA training is available at yet another Utah institution, making it one of the most sought-after programs in the country. This perk is offered by the company to encourage new hires. If you want to work at Arlington Hills Healthcare Center, you must have high school graduation and no communicable illnesses. People who want to gain the abilities required to work as CNAs must be ready to part with something of value in order to do so. The course begins with classroom lectures and progresses to hands-on instruction. Training for the certification test follows the completion of the clinical and academic components. After graduation, they’ll be able to practice on their own.

Pioneer Care Center

Nurse aides that are trustworthy, committed, and caring are sought for by Pioneer Care Center’s staffing division. This is a hard yet rewarding job, and they are looking for people who want to be a part of it. Over the next decade, the healthcare business is predicted to be one of the fastest-growing. Then let me know if you’d like to get started by applying for our free CNA training today!

Avalon Health Care Group’s Pioneer Care Center is situated in Brigham City, Utah. They’re currently taking applications for their CNA program because of the aging population and the growing need for nursing assistants. Applicants must be at least 17 years old and have a high school diploma or GED in order to be considered for our program. There will also be requirements for background checks and health examinations. If you want to work for them, you’ll also have to be willing to take any and all duties that come your way.

CNA lessons are available for free all across the city. Those who finish the training and pass the certification test will be immediately employed at Pioneer Care Center, where they will earn a high income. At the Pioneer Care Center in Brigham City, Utah, 84302, the application for the free CNA class is accessible.

Avalon Health Care

CNA training is now available in Ivins, UT, thanks to Avalon Health Care. To become a certified nursing assistant (CNA) if you have no other option, this is your opportunity.

Avalon Health Care is a great destination for those who are passionate about giving back to the community. In order to help patients, families, and communities, the clinic is a non-profit organisation. In addition, customers may be certain that they will get top-notch nursing care and support during their stay.

Take a look at the class schedule if you’re thinking about becoming a CNA. It is strongly advised that you register as soon as possible since class sizes are restricted. Visit Avalon Health Care in Salt Lake City, Utah, at 206 North 2100 West, or call (801) 596-8844 to take advantage of this fantastic offer. Janice may be reached by phone at (385) 209-6900 or by email at

Avalon Health Care

Avalon Health Care is now recruiting for trustworthy, professional, and organised Nurse Assistants for the Mervyn Sharp Bennion Central Utah Veterans Home. Candidates that are chosen will be provided with a free training course to help them advance in their careers.

Even if a more trained and licenced nurse is present, uncertified nurse assistants will be intimately engaged in the treatment of patients. Your CNA training will help you learn more about this profession and teach you how to perform it. Non-certified Nurse Assistants will be able to apply for a state licence under the new scheme.

Candidates must have a high school diploma in order to be considered for employment as a non-certified Nurse Assistant at Avalon Health Care, and they must get their certification within 90 days of starting work. However, their attendance should also be flawless. They must be ready to put in the appropriate time and effort. It’s also critical that they’re open to learning from, assisting, and otherwise improving the lives of their patients and customers.

Only a limited number of students will be able to participate in the free CNA training programme. Avalon Health Care at 206 North 2100 West in Salt Lake City, UT 84116 may have an opening for you. The Mervyn Sharp Bennion Central Utah Veterans Home in Payson, Utah, will employ those selected.

North Eastern Services, Layton

North Eastern Services is searching for someone with a strong work ethic and a desire to make a difference in people’s lives and transform the world. North Eastern Services is presently taking full-time applications from anyone who wish to become Certified Nursing Assistants. You don’t need any prior experience to apply. Candidates who successfully finish the training will be offered employment with the organisation.

Obtaining your free CNA certification is a great way to kick-start a long and rewarding career in the healthcare industry. Applicants must be at least 18 years old, have a high school diploma or GED equivalent, and be free of crimes in their criminal histories in order to be considered for this program. You must also pass a background check and drug test, as well as provide confirmation that you are not on felony probation, in order to apply for a job with the company.

The healthcare facility of North Eastern Services is in need of new employees. Candidates should be able to lift 50 pounds, but they should also be flexible. A CNA’s job entails a lot of physical work. If this is something you’re thinking of pursuing, be sure you’re mentally prepared for the demands of the job.

The paid CNA training program is set to begin soon! To attend the next session, please visit North Eastern Services at 1626 N 2200 W Layton, Utah 84041 in the United States of America.

All Utah State Approved CNA Programs.