Free CNA Classes in North Las Vegas

Free CNA Classes in North Las Vegas NV

Like any other state in America, nursing assistants in Nevada have to be certified. They need to complete at least 135 hours of training before they can take the Nevada State Board of Nursing. The CNA training program can be completed at various schools and medical institutions. Most of them require a fee for the tuition, registration and miscellaneous expenses but if you want to avail free CNA classes in North Las Vegas, Nevada, you can always find it. The free CNA classes in North Las Vegas, Nevada often have requirements to be met. Successful applicants can enjoy a free-of- charge program if they agree with the institution’s conditions. If you want to know where to find free classes, have a look on the schools below.

Milan Institute

Milan Institute of Cosmetology is offering a nurse’s aide training at the North Las Vegas, Nevada campus. Students in this program will receive quality career training that gives them a boost of confidence and the requisite knowledge to excel in the profession. The course imparts essential concepts and skills in the areas of anatomy, physiology, vital signs, patient rights, personal care, food and nutrition and many others. To gain admission to the Milan Institute, applicants have to present a high school diploma or a GED equivalent. They will undergo a background check, live scan fingerprinting, tuberculosis test, medical exams after completing application form. The institution also offers financing options and scholarship programs to avail free CNA classes in North Las Vegas, Nevada. They may not be available at all times but interested applicants can inquire at the school’s admissions office.

College of Southern Nevada

The College of Southern Nevada has a nurse’s assistant training program open to anyone who wishes to work in the healthcare field. Candidates do not have to submit an application for the admission process but they have to be 16 years old or above with good physical health, moral character and able to read or write in English at the 8th grade level. A Hepatitis B vaccination, TB screening test and drug screening are all necessary to gain admission. During the nursing assistant training program, students will finish the 180 hours of classroom lecture, laboratory work and clinical practice in one semester. Online lectures are also available for the student’s convenience. Once the program is completed, a certificate of completion is issued allowing graduates to take the state certification exam to work as a qualified nursing assistant. The tuition cost is $1,200 inclusive of the laboratory fees, uniforms, books, medical insurance, fingerprinting, the state exam fee and other miscellaneous expenses. Scholarship programs are available for those are seeking a free CNA class.

Other Schools offering Free CNA Classes in North Las Vegas, Nevada:

  • University of Nevada
  • North Las Vegas Community Colleges