CNA Classes in Whiteville, NC

CNA Classes in Whiteville, NC

Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) are trained health care professionals who provide basic care for patients and residents in hospitals, nursing homes, and other long-term care facilities. CNAs usually work under the immediate supervision of a registered nurse or other licensed healthcare provider.

A CNA is not a medical professional and does not diagnose illnesses, but they can help to identify signs of possible health problems that should be brought to the attention of a doctor or nurse. Their responsibilities include taking vital signs, feeding patients, and providing basic care. The role of the CNA may vary depending on the facility they work in.

A CNA can also be an assistant to doctors or physician assistants by following instructions, maintaining equipment, answering telephones, and preparing patients for examination or treatment.

One thing that makes CNAs stand out from other caregivers is their training in CPR which provides them with the ability to administer emergency treatment when needed. This training also helps them to identify emergencies more quickly than many other caregivers could.

The Importance of Being Accredited and Certified as a Certified Nurse Assistant when Working with Patients

Many reasons exist for why one would want to be accredited and certified as a Certified Nurse Assistant when working with patients. This includes having more job opportunities, receiving higher wages, receiving more respect from the medical field and more.

Salary of CNAs in Whiteville, NC

Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) are paid an average of $15.62 per hour in Whiteville, NC that makes $32,490 annually.

North Carolina CNA Certification Requirements

North Carolina Nurse Aide Registry requires following to get certification in the state:

  • Complete a state-approved nurse aide training program (75 hours or longer)

  • Pass the state-approved competency evaluation administered through Pearson VUE

3 Resources for Finding the Best CNA Classes in Whiteville

Finding the right CNA courses can be a challenge. There are many factors to consider, such as the location of the school, the cost and availability of classes, and more.

The 3 resources or search phrases to find the best CNA courses in Whiteville, NC are divided into:

  1. “Schools and training centers near me”

  2. “Online CNA programs” and

  3. “CNA courses offered in Whiteville”.

What is the Cost of CNA Classes Near Me?

CNA classes are an important gateway to get into the nursing industry. They are not only a good way to get your foot in the door, but they are also a way to get on-the-job training. There are many ways to take CNA classes near you. Often, schools will offer tuition assistance or payment plans for students who qualify.

The cost of CNA classes varies depending on the state you live in and whether or not you attend a school that is licensed by your state’s Department of Health so it is important for potential students to do their research before choosing which school they would like to attend.

Many people work while they are in school to pay for their tuition and other expenses. Some students use scholarships or grants to help pay for college costs or to help with paying off student loans if they take out a loan for college.

What is The Curriculum of CNA Classes?

The curriculum for CNA classes may vary from school to school, but most curriculums are designed with the same core subjects in mind: anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, patient care and safety, and nursing theory.

Southeastern Community College, Whiteville, NC

Southeastern Community College offers CNA Classes and is located at 4564 Chadbourn Hwy, Whiteville, NC. They can be contacted at 910-642-7141 for course information.

List of all the state approved CNA classes in North Carolina can be found here.