CNA Classes in South Suburbs of Chicago

A number of healthcare facilities in Chicago hire Certified Nursing Assistants. This profession is not difficult to achieve, especially in that the training course takes a couple of weeks to finish. However, completing the program and passing the state competency exam are necessary to become certified and registered in the Nurse’s Aide registry. The CNA classes are taught and supervised by a licensed medical professional. Every school or healthcare facility offering the program should be approved by the state. If you are interested, choose any of these CNA classes located in the South Suburbs of Chicago.

CNA Classes at Casa Central in the South Suburbs of Chicago

Casa Central has an employment and training program that provides a four-month-long CNA Classes in the south suburbs of Chicago to low income-individuals. Vocational instruction is combined with enrichment and counselling activities to cultivate the skills and confidence of students who wish to enter the healthcare workforce. For over 50 years, Casa Central has served aspiring nursing assistants in Chicago. They focus more on Hispanics who cannot find a stable job because of their lack of qualifications, but they are open for anyone who wished to enroll. The CNA training program teaches basic nursing skills and concepts vital to the profession. Lectures, laboratory training and clinical practice are done concurrently. A licensed medical professional supervises the clinical rotations in a healthcare facility, and a competency exam follows upon completion of the CNA classes.

CNA Classes at the South Suburbs of Chicago’s Pulse CPR Training Inc.

Chicago’s Pulse CPR Training Inc. offers a CNA training program that can be a stepping stone for individuals who want to work in the healthcare field. This highly-selective program trains students to become a CNA in a few weeks. It combines classroom lectures, laboratory training and clinical instruction to provide the necessary knowledge and skills to join the workforce. Chicago’s Pulse CPR Training Inc. is located in Mount Greenwood on the south side of Chicago, and it only accepts a limited number of students per class. This means that interested applicants have to go through a meticulous screening process by the school’s admissions office, to check whether they are qualified for the program Once accepted, they must complete the training before they can take the state competency exam for nursing assistants. Chicago’s Pulse CPR Training Inc. requires a $900 tuition fee which does not include  miscellaneous fees like uniforms, medical supplies and many others.

CNA Classes at South Suburbs of Chicago’s Excelsior Healthcare Academy

Excelsior Healthcare Academy has CNA Classes in the south suburbs of Chicago approved by the Division of Private Business and Vocational Schools of the Illinois Board of Higher Education. This program can be completed in four weeks, but graduates should remember that the school does not guarantee credit transferability to another school, university or college. However, completing the program allows graduates to be eligible for the state competency exam. Excelsior Healthcare Academy will train every qualified nursing assistant student to become one of the best CNA’s in Chicago. They have great facilities and a number of licensed medical instructors with years of experience in the industry. The combined lectures, laboratory training and clinical practice will equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills. Tuition cost is $690 but uniforms, supplies, textbooks and competency exam fees are not included. Scholarships and financial aid grants can be availed for those who cannot afford the program costs.

Prairie State College

The CNA classes at Prairie State College are part of a short program for individuals who wish to become a nursing assistant in the city of Chicago. This program is rigorous and requires students to have full attendance to graduate. A combined lecture and clinical practice format will be undergone to ensure that students receive the requisite education for the profession and to pass the competency exam. The nursing topics include anatomy and physiology, nutrition, patient safety, infection control, manual handling, patient lifting and moving, body mechanics and many others. To gain admission, interested applicants must submit a high school diploma or GED and are asked to have a criminal background check, complete immunization record,  and TB and drug screening tests. Individuals who have successfully completed the program will be allowed to take the certification exam and become a Certified Nursing Assistant in the city of Chicago.

Momence Meadows Nursing and Rehabilitation Center

Momence Meadows Nursing and Rehabilitation Center is one of the healthcare facilities in Chicago that offers a paid CNA training. Individuals interested to work in the healthcare field can take the program without cost, due to the institution’s need for more nursing assistants. Momence Meadows Nursing and Rehabilitation Center requires applicants to be free from any criminal record and physically fit for the program. Exams and interviews afe done to screen for qualified applicants for the CNA training. The program is short but it trains applicants well for the profession. Absences are not tolerated during and every student must show good performance during the training. Direct employment for will be offered after passing the state competency exam.