CNA Classes in San-Leandro, CA

CNA Classes in San-Leandro, CA

A Certified Nurse Assistant is a professional who assists in the care of patients with physical and emotional needs. CNAs work in hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers and home-based care for the elderly.

CNAs typically work under the supervision of registered nurses and doctors. They provide basic patient care such as dressing wounds, bathing patients, moving them from bed to chair or wheelchair, helping them with eating and taking their vital signs (pulse rate, blood pressure).

The demand for CNAs is expected to grow dramatically in the coming years. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 8% increase in jobs for Certified Nurse Aides by 2030.

Nursing assistants are always needed, and this number will only increase as our population ages.

Salary of CNAs in San-Leandro, CA

The average salary for a Nursing Assistant is reported to be $20.31 per hour in San Leandro, CA.

California CNA Certification Requirements

You must know what are the state requirements to acquire CNA Certificate so you may choose the best CNA Program that can work around the state. In California, there are minimal requirements for CNAs to work as a licensed nurse’s aid. According to California Department of Public Health, the requirements to obtain CNA Certification in California are:

  • To be at least 16 years old

  • To successfully complete an approved CNA training program

  • To obtain a criminal record clearance

How Much Does CNA Training Cost?

The cost of CNA training varies on the type of certification you are looking for, location, and program. CNA certificates are typically cheaper than nursing degrees. There are also some programs that offer free tuition to veterans and caretakers of children under 6 years old under certain circumstances.

What Jobs Can You Get With a CNA License?

The job prospects for CNAs are promising. CNAs can work in assisted living facilities, nursing homes, hospitals, independent care services, and more. They may also choose to work in home health care or hospice care. Some may even choose to become a certified medical assistant or licensed practical nurse (LPN).

There are many new jobs becoming available for CNAs. One of the most popular types of jobs is working in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. There are also opportunities to get new jobs at physical therapy clinics, hospices, home health care providers, and more which pay well!

How to Choose Best CNA Classes Near Me

Choosing the best CNA Classes near me is not easy. Educating oneself on nursing assistant skills is one of the most important steps in becoming a CNA. There are many factors to consider before enrolling for a class. These factors include the cost of the classes, location, duration, and most importantly whether or not they are approved by specific certification boards.

If you are looking for CNA classes that are affordable, then you should consider taking online courses. Online courses are cheaper than in-person programs. They also provide more flexibility in terms of scheduling and availability of classes as well as providing access to educational materials at any time of day or night.

However, there is one big disadvantage with online education – which is their lack of hands-on training. Therefore it’s recommended that you also seek out opportunities to do volunteer work in a medical setting alongside enrolling in an online CNA Course.

CNA Classes in San Leandro, CA

CNA training is a formal education and training program that prepares people for careers as certified nursing assistants (CNAs). CNA programs generally include topics such as anatomy, physiology, medical terminology, pharmacology, communication skills and ethics. There are many schools that offer excellent CNA programs, but not all of them are created equal. Some schools offer both classroom and hands-on training, while others focus on providing students with the skills they need to work independently. Here are some state-approved CNA Programs in San Leandro, CA:

San Leandro Adult School, San Leandro, CA

San Leandro Adult School is located at 1448 Williams Street, San Leandro, CA. They can be contacted at 510-667-6287 for course information.

Vip Nursing School, Inc, San Leandro, CA

Vip Nursing School, Inc is located at 16388 East 14th St., San Leandro, CA. Their CNA Program consists of 17 modules covering all aspects of resident care, including resident’s rights, body mechanics, taking vital signs and rehabilitative nursing and among others. The program consists of mandated 60 hours theory and 100 hours clinical training and it prepares the nursing assistant to become eligible to take the State of California Competency examination both Skills and Written exam, which leads to an occupation as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA). They can be contacted at 510-481-0240 for more course information.

List of all the state approved CNA classes in California can be found here.