CNA Classes in Palo-Alto, CA

CNA Classes in Palo-Alto, CA

Certified nursing assistants are in high demand. With the aging population and advancements in healthcare, there is a shortage of nurses and various other healthcare professionals. As a result, there is an increased need for certified nursing assistants to fill gaps in caregiving.

The Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) is a hard-working individual who provides care to the elderly, children, disabled and sick in hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities and other healthcare facilities.

Salary of CNAs in Palo-Alto, CA

Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) are paid an average of $20.48 per hour  in Palo Alto, CA that makes $42,598 annually.

California CNA Certification Requirements

You must know what are the state requirements to acquire CNA Certificate so you may choose the best CNA Program that can work around the state. In California, there are minimal requirements for CNAs to work as a licensed nurse’s aid. According to California Department of Public Health, the requirements to obtain CNA Certification in California are:

  • To be at least 16 years old

  • To successfully complete an approved CNA training program

  • To obtain a criminal record clearance

What Kind of People Enroll in a CNA Class?

There are many reasons why people choose to enroll in CNA classes. Some want to do it as a side gig while they work another job or go to school, while others hope that it will be their way into a fulfilling career which can provide them with benefits and stability. Whatever their motivations may be, many people find that CNA training provides them with a good return on investment if they decide to enroll after they have completed their training.

What Will be Taught in a CNA Program?

The Certified Nursing Assistant Class is a course designed to prepare individuals for the profession of nursing assistant. These programs consist of classes that cover everything from basic first aid to more complex skills like how to give injections.

The training program for a Certified Nurse Assistant is done in many different ways. Some are offered by community colleges, others are offered by hospitals, and some are even offered by nursing homes.

There are some things that you will learn as part of the Certified Nurse Assistant Program. You will learn how to take vital signs, how to administer medications, and how to care for wounds. You will also learn about bed making, handling emergencies properly, and cleaning up bodily fluids.

You will also be expected to commit time outside of the classroom hours on your own time in order to complete your training program completely. This includes learning things like CPR or taking care of patients with dementia or Alzheimer’s.

What to Look for in a CNA School or Training Program?

The CNA program prepares students for this rewarding career. There are many things to look for in a CNA school or training program. Here are some of the most important ones:

Credentials – What kind of credentials does the institution offer? Does it come with an AANP (American Association of Nurse Professionals) certification? What about state license? Salary Potential – How much will you make once you graduate from your CNA training program? Is there an employment guarantee at graduation? Support Systems – What support systems does the institution offer to help you succeed in your endeavors after graduation?

How Much Does a CNA Class Cost?

The cost of taking a CNA class varies per state, institution and type of CNA programs. There are some places that offer free CNA classes and other places that charge a lot for their classes. The cost may also include the costs of book and other clinical supplies. In some cases, people may be able to get financial assistance from the government if they qualify.

List of all the state approved CNA classes in California can be found here.