CNA Classes in Lewisburg, PA

CNA Classes in Lewisburg, PA

A Certified Nursing Assistant is tasked with assisting healthcare providers in their care of patients. They are responsible for basic tasks like, bathing, feeding, and dressing.

There are many benefits to being a CNA. The short training time, the lower cost of tuition, and the minimal investment in equipment are just some of them. The responsibilities of CNAs are not limited to bedpans and baths either. They also prepare patients for procedures, change dressings for wounds, assist with cleaning tasks, monitor vital signs and serve food.

Why should I Consider Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant?

The occupation is one of the fastest-growing jobs in the nation. With the baby boomer population aging and living longer than previous generations there will be an increasing need for CNAs in coming years. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that by 2030, there will be growth of 8% of this occupation in the country.

A CNA can work anywhere from hospitals to rehabilitation centers to nursing homes to home health agencies if they’re certified in the state they live in. There are so many opportunities available with a little research!

Types of CNA Courses Available

As the population of the elderly increases, there is a need for certified nursing assistants to provide care. There are a few different avenues available for those looking to become a CNA.

The first way is to take a CNA certification course from an accredited academic institution. This option has been shown to be the most cost-effective and convenient method of acquiring necessary training and competency as well as being one of the fastest ways for those looking to achieve employment as a CNA.

The second way is taking an online CNA course through an accredited school or other organization that provides these courses. These institutions provide students with all materials required by law and offer flexible hours, which makes it easier for those with busy schedules to take care of personal obligations while still working towards obtaining their certification. The downside to taking an online CNA course, however, is that there are no requirements for hands-on training, which means that the coursework only provides the student with a basic understanding of what they will need to know in order to become certified. For those who choose this method of becoming certified, many states require CNA students to complete an “at least 40 hours” internship experience before they can be licensed. The purpose of an internship is for students to receive practical training through hands-on experience, helping them better understand what it will be like working as a CNA once they are hired by a hospital or nursing home.

How to Choose the Right CNA Program For You

There are many different types of CNA programs available to fit the needs of potential students. Choosing between these programs can be difficult, so here are some tips for choosing the right CNA program for you.

First, figure out your goals and desired future occupation. Do you just want a job as a CNA or do you want to work as a nurse’s aide? A school that offers both might be best suited for someone who just wants a job as a CNA but already has their eyes on being a nurse’s aide in the future. Another question to ask is how much money you want to spend on tuition and whether or not the school offers scholarships or financial aid. The more expensive schools may have better facilities and more opportunities for employment after graduation, but some people might not want to pay that much for a degree and will not need the money after they graduate. Also, get to know the state requirements for the certification so you can work anywhere in the state.

The Cost of CNA Training in Lewisburg, PA

Many nursing assistant courses at vocational colleges and health schools range from $400 – $1200. Be sure to consider any other costs before choosing a school, as some only list the total cost on their website.

Pennsylvania CNA Certification Requirements

Pennsylvania Department of Health Nurse Aide Registry states that in order to acquire CNA certification in Pennsylvania, One should:

  • Complete a Pennsylvania-approved nurse aide training program

  • Pass the competency evaluation exam administered by Credentia within 24 months of program completion

List of all the state approved CNA classes in Pennsylvania can be found here.