CNA Classes in Indianapolis, IN

CNA Classes in Indianapolis, IN

A Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) is a trained health care professional who provides basic care to patients who are unable to take care of themselves.

A certified nursing assistant cannot be an expert in all aspects of the job, but they typically have a wide array of skills such as providing help with mobility, personal hygiene, and activity.

The careers of certified nursing assistants are diverse and offer many opportunities for advancement. They can work in hospitals, long-term care facilities, skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, ambulatory centers and even schools.

Indianapolis has a diverse employment opportunities that are available for people of all backgrounds and skill sets. There are a wide range of careers available in Indianapolis if you have the skills.

Salary of CNAs in Indianapolis, IN

The average Certified Nursing Assistant salary in Indianapolis, IN is $32,540 per year as of 2021.

Indiana CNA Certification Requirements

Indiana State Department of Health states two very simple requirements that need to be met to acquire certificate in the state of Indiana. Those are:

  • Complete a state-approved 105-hour Nurse Aide Training Program

  • Successfully pass both the written and skills evaluation exam

How to Choose Which CNA Program is Right for You in Indianapolis?

If you are interested in becoming a certified nursing assistant, there are many options available to you. You can attend a school that offers a traditional degree program, or you can use an online learning platform to earn your credential.

Choosing the right program for you might be difficult because there are so many options available. Here are some things to think about when choosing which program is right for you:

  • What type of education do you prefer?

  • Do you want to work with clients who have special needs?

  • Do you want to work in a hospital setting or are you interested in working as an aide on the weekends?

  • How much time do you have available to dedicate towards your education? Some programs only require one course per semester while others require two or more courses each quarter.

  • Location of the school.

  • How long will it take to finish the program?

CNA Classes in Indianapolis, IN

CNA classes are career-boosting courses that prepare students to become registered nurses. They are a useful resource for students.

CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) programs are supposed to prepare students for the challenges they will face in the workplace, but sometimes they can be too challenging or difficult to complete.

To become an effective nurse, you need to have a knowledge of the human body, medical terminology, and human behavior. CNA Courses teach basic skills that students need such as strength training, first aid, and how to take vital signs. You also need to have patience and compassion for your patients.

Here is a list of some state-approved CNA Classes offered in Indianapolis, IN:

Day Spring Career Institute, Indianapolis, IN

Day Spring Career Institute is located at 6255 Coffman Rd, Indianapolis, IN. They can be contacted at 317-640-9725 for course information.

Golden Living Training Center, Indianapolis, IN

Golden Living Training Center is located at 5955 S Emerson Ave, Suite 500, Indianapolis, IN. They can be contacted at 317-791-4258 for course information.

Hope Cna Training Program, Indianapolis, IN

Hope Cna Training Program is located at 3102 E 10th St, Indianapolis, IN. They can be contacted at 317-862-4815 for course information.

Cna & Homecare Training Center, Inc, Indianapolis, IN

Cna & Homecare Training Center, Inc is located at 6525 E 82nd St Suite 216, Indianapolis, IN. They can be contacted at 317-842-7637 for course information.

List of all the state approved CNA classes in Indiana can be found here.