CNA Classes in Homestead, FL

Homestead is a city in Miami-Dade County, Florida. It is a principal city of the Miami metropolitan area, which is home to an estimated 68,438 people. Homestead is home to a number of unique features, including horse racing and a stock car race track.

There are many career opportunities available in both public and private sectors in Homestead. The public sector is large and diverse, offering career opportunities in fields such as law enforcement, education, and military. Private career opportunities include quality health care providers and facilities, as well as a variety of industries ranging from hospitality services to retail trade.

If you are interested in a career in healthcare industry and you are looking for an entry level position then becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant is the perfect opportunity for you to work in a fast paced environment.

What is a Certified Nursing Assistant?

A Certified Nursing Assistant is a healthcare professional that performs direct patient care under the supervision of a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse. A CNA’s duties include taking vital signs, helping patients with daily living activities, and sometimes taking part in medical procedures.

They can work in a number of settings, including hospitals, nursing homes, and long term care facilities. They can work in both a medical or non-medical capacity, and often have the opportunity to move into other positions.

What are CNA Classes?

CNA classes teach students the skills they need to become certified as a certified nurse assistant. They teach everything from the basics to more complex information about dealing with patients in the medical field. Students will learn about medical terminology, infection control, and patient care. CNA classes are great for those who want to become certified, or just learn more about the healthcare field.

Why Consider Becoming a Certified Nurse Assistant?

Becoming a Certified Nurse Assistant is an excellent career opportunity that can be highly rewarding for those who are seeking high levels of flexibility in their work schedule, the potential to advance in the medical field, and a variety of job opportunities.

Certified Nurse Assistant certification will allow you to work in several different settings. As a Certified Nurse Assistant, you can work in hospitals, post-acute care facilities, clinics, home care agencies and nursing homes as well as on an outpatient basis.

You will learn how to assist the Registered Nurse in daily tasks and procedures including administering medications, preparing patients for testing, monitoring vital signs and taking temperature readings. You will also provide emotional support to both the patients and their family members and work with the physician and other nursing staff.

The CNA certification will give you the opportunity to gain more experience while on the job. The certification opens the door to more advancement possibilities and higher wages as you will be able to bring more skills and better credentials.

How to Become a Certified Nurse Assistant in Homestead, Florida?

In order to become a Certified Nurse Assistant, you must first register for and successfully complete an accredited nursing program which meets the state’s requirements. The educational program will provide you with the training and skills necessary to meet state competency standards and earn your certification.

In addition, you must pass a written exam which is administered by an approved agency. The test is designed to evaluate your knowledge of the legal, ethical, and professional requirements related to the practice of nursing. You will also require to complete a practical exam that demonstrates your ability to apply your knowledge and skills in a clinical setting.

After passing both the written and practical examinations, you must complete a criminal background check and submit to a drug-screen as well as obtaining the required immunizations and clearances.

Once you have completed these requirements, you will receive your Certification as a Certified Nurse Assistant and can begin working in any healthcare setting.

How to Choose the Right CNA Program in Homestead, Florida?

Choosing a CNA program in Homestead, Florida can be a daunting task. There are many factors for you to consider when deciding the right school for you:

  • Accreditation- Look for a school that is accredited. Make sure that the school is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs. Accreditation indicates that the school has met the requirements that are important for qualified nurses to be nurses.
  • Program flexibility- The best CNA program in Homestead, Florida is one that can provide flexible scheduling for you. Flexibility is important because it allows you to get a job and attend school at the same time.
  • Instructor qualifications- When you are choosing a CNA program in Homestead, Florida, look for someone who has the right credentials. Make sure the instructor is a licensed nurse or has another RN-related degree. Make sure they at least have those credentials and training experience.
  • Reputation- Look into the reputation of the school you are interested in and make sure that it has a good track record of graduating students.
  • Classroom environment- If you get stares when you walk into class make sure it isn’t because of your choice in attire or body type. Make sure the program has a positive classroom environment for everyone.
  • Job placement- Look for a school that can help you to get your first job as a CNA, even if you are not ready to work right away. Look for programs that have an excellent success rate with placing their graduates in jobs right away.

State approved CNA class in Homestead:

  • South Dade Senior High School offers a Certified Nursing Assistant Training Program that teaches students the necessary skills to become certified nursing assistants. The program starts with classroom instruction, followed by clinical training in a hospital or nursing home. Clinical training provides students hands-on experience with patients and exposes them to all aspects of working as a nurse assistant.

  • The CNA course at South Dade Technical College is a certificate program that trains students to become certified nursing assistants. The program is broken up into two phases, the first of which covers topics such as anatomy and physiology, infection control, care of the aging client, and basic pharmacology. The second phase consists of clinical placement in nursing homes or healthcare facilities.

List of all the state approved CNA classes in Florida can be found here.