CNA Classes in Buena-Park, CA

CNA Classes in Buena-Park, CA

The Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) is an important part of the nursing team. Certified nursing assistants are a diverse group of medical professionals who have the training and certification to provide basic patient care under the supervision of a registered nurse. They are usually the first ones to see when people arrive at a hospital or doctor’s office and also helps prepare them for surgery or treatments. Nursing assistants are typically responsible for carrying out administrative tasks such as taking vital signs or recording information about a patient’s condition or care plan. In addition, they may provide basic assistance with personal hygiene, feeding, and other activities of daily living.

Salary of CNAs in Buena-Park, CA

Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) are paid an average of $16.80 per hour in Buena Park, CA that makes $34,944 annually.

California CNA Certification Requirements

You must know what are the state requirements to acquire CNA Certificate so you may choose the best CNA Program that can work around the state. In California, there are minimal requirements for CNAs to work as a licensed nurse’s aid. According to California Department of Public Health, the requirements to obtain CNA Certification in California are:

  • To be at least 16 years old

  • To successfully complete an approved CNA training program

  • To obtain a criminal record clearance

What You Can Expect from your CNA Classes

If you’re new to the CNA program, then you may have a lot of questions about what will be expected of you. It’s not an easy course by any means but it’s rewarding in many ways.

CNA training is done in hospitals, nursing homes, and other medical settings. It is important to know the requirements before signing up for a CNA training program. The requirements vary from state to state so it is important to research the requirements for your state before applying for CNA training programs.

Also, students should be prepared to spend four hours in the classroom each day, six days a week with occasional breaks for lunch or water breaks between lessons. The class work is intense with lots of hands-on activities and labs. Some students find it overwhelming at first but once they get more comfortable with the material it becomes easier to understand and they start to enjoy themselves more in the process.

Certified Nursing Assistant Exam Tips

The following are some tips that will help you prepare for the Certified Nursing Assistant exam:

  • Study: Make sure you study thoroughly before taking the exam. Have an understanding of the concepts and terminology that will be taught in the course and what you can expect to see on the test. Outline your study plan on a calendar so you know what has been covered and when it is time to move onto something new.

  • Take practice tests: Take practice tests to get a feel for how long it will take you to finish the exam, and how much information you will need. Practice tests can also be used to pinpoint areas where you need more review.

  • Review lecture notes: Review your lecture notes thoroughly after each class, delving into those words and phrases that are giving you trouble. Asking your professor when the most difficult sections of the content material have been covered in class can also help determine which areas of the content to focus on as you prepare for the test.

  • Familiarize yourself with the format: Review a sample of the format that you will see on the actual day of testing so you know what to expect. In some cases, obtaining a sample score report can be helpful in identifying where you need to concentrate.

List of all the state approved CNA classes in California can be found here.