CNA Classes in Baton Rouge, LA

CNA Classes in Baton-Rouge, LA

The demand for nurses has been increasing steadily in recent years due to an aging population and a greater interest in healthcare among younger generations. In addition, there is a shortage of nurses across the country because many nurses have retired or left for other professions that offer better wages or more flexible hours. Therefore, there is a dire need of newbies to enter this field so they can assist nurses and doctors to ease their workload.

Nursing assistants are trained to provide personal care for people who are unable to do so themselves. They help patients with daily living activities such as bathing, dressing, eating, getting out of bed or a chair, or using the toilet. They also help patients with their emotional needs by providing companionship and talking with them about their concerns or worries.

Most nursing assistants work in hospitals and nursing homes, but they may also work in doctors’ offices and clinics that specialize in long-term care. Nursing assistants may be employed by the hospital where they work or by an agency that provides nursing assistant services on contract to hospitals.

Salary of CNAs in Baton-Rouge, LA

The average annual CNA salary in Baton Rouge, LA is reported to be $30,370.

Louisiana CNA Certification Requirements

Louisiana Department of Health states that the following are required to acquire the CNA Certification in the state of Louisiana

  • Complete a state-approved CNA training program

  • Pass the CNA certification exam

Where Can I Find the Best CNA Classes Near Me?

CNA classes are available at various locations, but not all of them are worth the time and money. There are some factors to consider when looking for the best CNA classes near me.

The most important factor is the reputation of the school. You want to make sure that you are going to a school with qualified instructors that have experience in training future nurses. A good reputation will also provide you with a sense of security knowing that they have been around for awhile and they have successfully trained many people before you.

Other things to consider are how much time is required per week for these classes, location of classes and cost of the course.

CNA Classes in Baton-Rouge, LA

When it comes to CNA programs, there are literally many programs offered in Baton Rouge, LA. The curriculum of these CNA classes is going to vary from one school to the next. However, there are a few things that most courses will cover. Students will be introduced to the basics of anatomy and physiology. In addition, they’ll learn about medical terminology and how to speak with patients who may have difficulty communicating for themselves. Some courses also include instruction on pharmacology and ethics topics.

Here, We enlist only some of those many state-approved programs in Baton-Rouge, LA:

Advance Healthcare Institute

Their program is designed to give the students an opportunity to certify in two weeks. The curriculum hours includes 40 hours of classroom instruction and 40 hours of clinical experience making a total of 80 hours.  They also have a Skills Lab that is simulated to represent a hospital room equipped with a hospital bed, bed side table, wheelchair, IV pole and other required medical equipment.

Aspire Medical Training Academy

Aspire Medical Training Academy offers a 5 week training course for the certified nursing assistant including 40 hours of classroom instruction and 40 hours of clinical experience.

Other popular programs are offered in Baton Rouge Community College – Acadian Campus, Baton Rouge, LA and Baton Rouge Community College Rn Only, Baton Rouge, LA among many other programs.

You can find other programs offered in Baton Rouge, LA in the following link:

List of all the state approved CNA classes in Louisiana can be found here.