Find Your CNA Classes HERE
Taking the Certified Nursing Assistant training program is the perfect way to start a career in the healthcare field. The program does not take years to finish, as it can be completed in four weeks to three months depending on the school or healthcare facility offering it. However, most individuals assume that the CNA training program is expensive. Fortunately, there are a number of options for a low-cost CNA class. As long as the student is qualified to undergo the course, it can be easy for him/her to become a nursing assistant. The city of Houston needs more CNA’s to fill their need for healthcare professionals. If you have a certificate of completion from an accredited school and you pass the state competency exam, you can be accepted in different healthcare facilities. Take time to inquire at any of these schools offering low-cost CNA classes in Houston.
Low Cost CNA Classes at University Place Nursing Center
University Place Nursing Center offers a Certified Nursing Assistant training program for low-income students in Houston. This kind of program is not different from other CNA classes except that students should be qualified. They need someone who is a high school diploma or GED holder, with no criminal record. They also require the applicants to be free from any communicable disease which is why, they have to undergo a TB screening test. Nevertheless, the University Place Nursing Center is equipped with the most advanced facilities and excellent teachers who are licensed and qualified to supervise the aspiring nursing assistants. Anyone undergoing the program at this institution will be prepared for the state competency exam. The instruction is comprised of a combination of lectures, laboratory skills training and clinical rotations in a healthcare facility, which help develop succeed in the profession.
Low-Cost CNA Classes at Houston Northwest Education Center
The affordable CNA training program of Northwest Education Center is approved by the Texas Department of Public Health and Board of Education. Individuals looking for a stable job who have the desire to work in the healthcare field can apply for the program and know the basic responsibilities of nursing assistants. The program combines classroom lectures, skills demonstration and clinical practice. It will be supervised by the school’s licensed medical professionals, who may either be a Registered Nurse, Licensed Practical Nurse or a Certified Nursing Assistant. Completion of the program is necessary to graduate and be able to take the state competency exam. However, individuals who cannot commit to the weekday classes can choose a weekend CNA program to graduate in a couple of weeks. Northwest Education Center offers the program now and then, so applicants who cannot catch up wth the regular classes can apply for the next training session.
Healthcare Training Academy, Inc.
Healthcare Training Academy, Inc. has a CNA training program that most Houston residents can afford. This low-cost program is ideal for the economically disadvantaged who wish to fill the need of nursing assistants in the state. Healthcare Training Academy Inc. follows the standards of the state and ensures that students in the program will get the right education for the profession. They combine lectures and skills enhancement to prepare students for clinical rotation. It is the part of the program that lets students experience an actual healthcare setting with patients with different healthcare needs; thus, it is good preparation for the state competency exam. The institution will not only accept new high school graduates but they also welcome adults willing to be a nursing assistant in a few weeks. The admission process is quite meticulous because they accept only those who are physically fit to undergo the job as a CNA.
Low-Cost CNA Classes at Career School of Houston
The Career School of Houston aims to provide low-cost CNA classes in Houston to underprivileged students who cannot find a stable job in the city. This four-week program typically costs $695 but scholarships and financial aid grants can be availed. Regardless of the limited availability and meticulous screening process, successful applicants can enjoy the opportunity of taking the program and become a Certified Nursing Assistant in the short run. The school will teach the basic concepts of nursing like anatomy and physiology, nutrition, patient care, safety, infection control, patient handling, charting, therapeutic communication, medical terminology and many others. Students in the program will undergo clinical practice in a healthcare setting, under the supervision of a Registered Nurse or a Certified Nursing Assistant. Once the program is completed, they will be eligible for the state competency exam and become qualified to work in any healthcare facility like hospitals, nursing homes or long-term residential care institutions.
Big 6 Services Medical Institute School
Big 6 Services Medical Institute School is providing low-cost CNA classes in Houston in response to individuals with the desire to be nursing assistants in Houston, Texas. The program covers classroom lectures, skills training and a clinical practice supervised by a professional medical instructor. This will take a couple of weeks to finish but students can grasp the necessary knowledge and attain the skills needed for the profession. The good thing about the CNA training program is that it can be taken during or at the end of the week. The flexibility of class schedules makes it more convenient for individuals who are currently employed. However, students are required too finish the 5-week course without absences. Admission is given to those who have secured a high school diploma or GED to gain admission to the program.