CNA Classes in South Dakota

CNA Classes In South Dakota

Have you wondered what it is like to work in a medical field? There may be a lot of things that holds you back like lack of money or time, but this does not have to be an issue. Getting your CNA classes in South Dakota could be much cheaper than you expect. After all, unlike many other medical degrees, becoming a CNA does not take years of studying. In fact, becoming a certified a CNA in South Dakota normally takes around 15 weeks. Considering that you can make around $25,000 annually after that, it does not sound like a bad deal now, does it? So why wait- find out more about South Dakota CNA classes today!

An average CNA training program in SC costs around $800 to $1,000. If this is too much for  you,  there are a lot of healthcare facilities that offer more affordable options for CNA training. Some of these facilities even provide grants to those who cannot afford the tuition fee or offer CNA training for free altogether. Most commonly these facilities include nursing homes and hospitals.

There is a catch however- if they offer you free CNA training, you will be required to work for them for number of years. So be careful before accepting any kind of free CNA training in South Dakota.

One thing to keep in mind, is that the schools in South Dakota have quite a large range in terms of their tuition fees,  just make sure that the course offered is approved by the state. You can find state approved CNA programs in South Dakota here. The CNA classes will teach you the basic skills that a Certified Nursing Assistant should have. It will be supervised by a Registered Nurse who has the necessary experience in the field.

So what do you need to become CNA in South Dakota?

  • First, you have to be 18 years or older with GED. There will be no high school diploma needed. Even if you did not finish high school, you can still undergo the CNA training program in SD.
  • Second, check to see whether the school offers 75 hours of classroom sessions and clinical training. The state of South Dakota requires all CNA’s to have a set minimum hours of training, because they want to ensure that they have the best healthcare professionals in the country.
  • Third, you have to pass the certification exam. Basically, passing the CNA exam allows you to be eligible to work as a Certified Nursing Assistant in South Dakota. Make sure to review the topics you have learned in the training since the exam will have two parts. The first part is a written exam and the second part is a clinical exam. On the clinical exam, you will be asked to perform certain skills. There can only be two grades in both of the exams, pass or failure. If you failed, you can take the competency exam again however; a re-training is required if you still cannot make it for the third time. On the other hand, if you successfully passed the exam, your name will be listed on the South Dakota Nurse Aide Registry list and you will undergo a background check and fingerprinting.

South Dakota provides numerous opportunities to Certified Nursing Assistants. If you get certified, renew your license every two years and follow the requirements needed by the state. Do not waste any more time- find you CNA classes in SD today!

CNA Salary and Job Outlook in South Dakota

CNA Salary in South Dakota 1

While the average salary for nursing assistants in SD ($24,290) is slightly below national average which is around $26,500, the state has also lower cost of living than national average. Currently there are 6200 nursing assistants employed in SD, majority of whom work in nursing homes and hospitals. There are some employment opportunities in private healthcare facilities and hospices as well.

CNA Work Experience in South Dakota

All South Dakota State Approved CNA Programs