CNA Classes in Gainesville FL

According to statistics, CNA careers is Florida are at all-time high. An 18% growth rate for CNAs by the year 2018 is expected, meaning there are plenty of positions available for those who are willing to work hard.  There is no better time to find CNA classes in Gainesville FL and begin working towards a career that matters and these stats prove the fact. Classes take just a few short weeks to complete, after which time you are ready to complete the state exam and earn your certification. In less than a few months you could be trained and working in a new field that will be simply amazing.  Before heading out to just any Gainesville CNA school, take a look at some of the best offered in the area. The school selected really does make a difference in the education that you receive.

Gainesville CNA Classes in Florida

Express Training Services offer 12 students the chance to learn what it takes to become a CNA through their comprehensive CNA classes in Gainesville FL preparing students for the Florida state exam. Class cost is $479, which includes textbooks and other needed classroom materials. Programs of one and two-weeks are both offered through Express.

City College Gainesville is one of Gainesville’s most trusted CNA schools. With the schools’ CNA program you can have all of the knowledge you need within a short amount of time; no need to spend years in college. Cost of the CNA training program is less than $600, which includes all books, materials and supplies to complete the courses.

Santa Fe Community College Gainesville is located on NW 83rd Street, offers a nursing assistant program for adults 18 years of age and older. One semester is all that it takes to complete the nursing assistant program at Santa Fe. With this one semester students can learn the ropes of becoming a great CNA through both classroom and hands-on instruction taught by experienced and highly-qualified instructors of CNA classes in Gainesville FL.

Institute of Health Care Professions Gainesville -There are a couple of choices of CNA programs offered at the Institute of health Care Professions, including the regular Nursing Assistant program and the Patient Care Technician program. Either of these programs will provide students with the necessary guidance to begin their CNA career in a matter of a few weeks. Classes are taught by qualified instructors who care about their student’s success. This matters so much when you want to be the best at what you do.

Once you receive your Florida CNA certification, it is mandatory that you be re-certified once per year. After working in the field for the entire year, you can expect that re-certification to come quite easily. For all of your hard work, you can expect to earn a yearly salary of about $27,550, though this amount can be much lower or higher depending on a number of factors including experience and the facility in which you choose to work.