CNA Classes in Terre-Haute, IN

CNA Classes in Terre-Haute, IN

The certified nursing assistant, or CNA, is a professional who assists with the care of patients in a hospital or other healthcare setting.

A Certified Nursing Assistant is an individual who has completed formal training in basic nursing skills and practices. CNAs are qualified to work with patients and families, provide basic care such as feeding, bathing, and dressing patients.

A CNA certification is a requirement for all nursing aides. There are many benefits to getting certified as a CNA. One of the most important benefits is that you will be able to find work more easily than if you had never been trained at all.

Indiana CNA Certification Requirements

Indiana State Department of Health states two very simple requirements that need to be met to acquire certificate in the state of Indiana. Those are:

  • Complete a state-approved 105-hour Nurse Aide Training Program

  • Successfully pass both the written and skills evaluation exam

Salary of CNAs in Terre-Haute, IN

Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) are paid an average of $15.54 per hour in Terre Haute, IN that makes $32,334 annually.

How Do I Find The Best CNA Schools Near Me?

Choosing a nursing school is a difficult process. There are many factors to consider, such as cost, location, and curriculum. But when it comes down to it, the most important factor is the quality of education offered by each school.

A high-quality education will prepare students for their future careers in the healthcare field and equip them with the skills they need to succeed in their job. So how do you know if a nursing school is high-quality? One way is by looking at its accreditation status. Accreditation demonstrates that a school has met standards set by an outside entity and that it offers a quality education for students who want to pursue careers in healthcare fields.

In order to ensure that you are choosing the best CNA schools near me or best CNA schools in my city, you’ll need to look at each school’s accreditation status.

CNA Classes in Terre-Haute, IN

A CNA Training is required by law for anyone who wants to work as a nursing assistant in any healthcare setting. The CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) Training is a course that teaches the necessary skills for working as a nursing assistant. It includes training in basic care, safety, and the principles of infection control.

Here is a list of some state-approved CNA Programs in Terre Haute, IN:

Ivy Tech Community College-wabash Valley, Terre Haute, IN

Ivy Tech Community College-wabash Valley is located at 8000 S Education Dr, Terre Haute, IN. They can be contacted at 812-298-2462 for course information.

Premier Healthcare Training Services, Terre Haute, IN

Premier Healthcare Training Services is located at 400 Wabash, Suite B-30, Terre Haute, IN. They can be contacted at 812-235-1128 for course information.

Quality Healthcare Training Inc, Terre Haute, IN

Quality Healthcare Training Inc is located at 1715 Wabash Ave, Terre Haute, IN. They can be contacted at 812-243-2411 for course information.

CNA Testing Tips From Former Test Takers To Help You Pass On Your First Try!

Passing the state exam on your first try is no easy feat. There are many things that you need to be aware of and practice before sitting for the exam. I’ve compiled a list of tips from former test takers that will help you pass on your first try!

  1. Practice taking the computerized version of the test. The online practice tests are very similar to what you will see when you take the real exam, so use this time wisely!

  2. Study up on all of the required material, but don’t spend too much time studying it. You should know all of this information by heart, but don’t waste your time reading through it again and again. Reviewing is more important than memorization at this point!

  3. Practice the test on your own time. There is another version of the exam that you can take from home on your own time. Some people find that this helps them feel at ease when they take the real test, and it will help you with timing as well!

List of all the state approved CNA classes in Indiana can be found here.