CNA Classes in Alhambra, CA

CNA Classes in Alhambra, CA

A Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) is a healthcare worker who has completed the necessary training and certification to provide basic care for patients in various settings, such as hospitals, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities. These CNA’s are skilled professionals who are qualified to provide care for ill, injured, or disabled individuals. Their duties include feeding, bathing, dressing and general hygiene of the patients.

The requirements for becoming a CNA vary depending on the state or province depending on what licensing board is overseeing the certification.

Salary of CNAs in Alhambra, CA

As of 2021, Certified Nursing Assistant earn an average of $37,199 per year in Alhambra, CA.

California CNA Certification Requirements

You must know what are the state requirements to acquire CNA Certificate so you may choose the best CNA Program that can work around the state. In California, there are minimal requirements for CNAs to work as a licensed nurse’s aid. According to California Department of Public Health, the requirements to obtain CNA Certification in California are:

  • To be at least 16 years old

  • To successfully complete an approved CNA training program

  • To obtain a criminal record clearance

Different Types of CNA Certifications!

This section will discuss three different certifications for CNAs: Certified Nursing Assistant, Licensed Vocational Nurse, and Certified Home Healthcare Aide.

The Certified Nursing Assistant certification is the most common certification in nursing homes and other places that employ CNAs. The LPN certification also includes some CNA training but focuses more on IVs and other medical procedures. The Certified Home Healthcare Aide has less training than both the LPN or CNA but is still a very important position in home healthcare settings.

What are the Benefits of Attending CNA Training in Alhambra, CA?

The benefits of attending a CNA training course in Alhambra, CA are the fact that they provide the necessary knowledge and skills to become a Certified Nursing Assistant. Nurses and hospitals can trust CNAs because they have been trained on all the necessary care.

CNAs are a great way for people who want to work in healthcare but don’t want to go through medical school. They do not need any prior nursing experience, but they still have the ability to help with patients’ needs. These courses also offer flexible schedules so they can be completed quickly and on your own time.

CNA training prepares you for a rewarding career as a professional nurse assistant and gives you an education that will last you a lifetime. A CNA certificate is recognized nationwide, so if you live in one state but want to move to another for work, it will still be valid there!

CNA Programs in Alhambra, CA

There are a variety of courses that a CNA can take to get the credentials they need for a job. This training will also give students a basic understanding of what being a CNA entails and how it can help them in their future careers. All states have different requirements for these courses so be sure to check with your state’s department of health or equivalent agency before enrolling in any programs or classes. Here are some state approved programs offered in Alhambra, CA:

American Red Cross, Alhambra, CA

American Red Cross is located at 2215 W Mission Road. They can be contacted at 909-531-3700 for course information.

Platt College, Alhambra, CA

Platt College is located at 1000 S. Fremont Ave A9 West. You can earn your Certificate in Certified Nurse Assistant in as little as 2 months via their full-time or in 3-months via part-time CNA Program. They can be contacted at 626-300-5444 for more course information.

List of all the state approved CNA classes in California can be found here.