Free CNA Classes in Santa Ana CA

Free CNA classes in Santa Ana, California are offered to invite more workers in the healthcare field. There has been a need for healthcare professionals like CNA’s because of the increasing aging population that demands short and long-term care. If you want to be one of the recipients of free CNA classes in Santa Ana, California, you must agree to complete the program and pass the licensing exam. You have to go through a series of lectures, skills training and clinical practice to become equipped, knowledgeable and skilled. Once you become certified, there are a lot of healthcare facilities in the area where you can apply and start your career. Go through the institutions listed below to learn how to get started with free CNA classes.

Coast Health Career College

A CNA training program being offered at Coast Career College. The program prepares students for an entry-level position as a healthcare professional in an acute care facility or long-term care setting. The institution offers seven weeks of classroom instruction followed by clinical practice in a community health facility. During the program, students will learn their duties and responsibilities as a Certified Nursing Assistant, including the activities of daily living, vital signs monitoring, drug interactions, preventive care measures and many others. They will be equipped with sufficient skills and knowledge to succeed in their chosen profession. To qualify for enrollment, students have to undergo a physical exam and PPD test, submit a complete application form and a valid CPR provider card. They also have to demonstrate a satisfactory ability to write, read and communicate in English. Once they complete the program, they will be able to take the certification exam and become a qualified nursing assistant in California.

Summit Career College

Summit Career College is offering a nursing assistant training program that follows a detailed curriculum for students to succeed in their chosen profession. They will receive constant support during the 3 to 4 week program. Basically, the course is made up of 93 hours of lectures, 108 hours of clinical practice in a nursing facility and 20 hours of laboratory training. Students can choose day, evening or weekend classes, whichever is convenient. They have to finish the program to receive a certificate of completion and be eligible for the state competency exam. Topics discussed in the program include patient safety, communication techniques, nutrition and hydration, effective nursing care, use of medical equipment, and many others. Summit Career College promised to provide personal attention, career service support, free tutoring services and modern facilities. They also provide scholarship programs for those who are able to meet the criteria.

Qbics Career College

Qbics Career College is offering 10 weeks nursing assistant training program that equips students with the basic knowledge and skills of the profession. The program consists of 50 hours of classroom instruction and 100 hours of clinical experiencs, which can be taken in a part or full-time study program. Part-time students will finish the program for 10 weeks and full-time students will complete it in 5. The application process at Qbics Career College is efficient yet requires all candidates to have a positive attitude, health screening report, high school diploma, social security card, non-refundable registration fee and valid ID picture. Flu shots are also needed for students who apply in the winter season. The total cost of the training program is $1,700 including textbooks, CPR certificate, school ID, uniforms, live scan, blood pressure cuff, gait belt, medical supplies and the state certification exam. Scholarship programs can be obtain for free or low-cost CNA training at Qbics Career College.

Other Schools offering Free CNA classes in Santa Ana, California:

  • North Orange County R.O.P.
  • Central Orange County CTE Partnership