CNA Classes in Western New York

In Western New York, several schools and healthcare facilities are now offering CNA classes to invite more individuals to work in this field. Most healthcare institutions like hospitals or nursing homes need CNA’s to fill vacancies in their labor force, which is why some of these facilities are offering paid or free training programs. However, to be a nursing assistant, one must complete the program at an accredited institution. Certification follows the training after all requirements are met. Normally, passing the exam is a necessity in order to work as a CNA, but it will not be difficult as long as the lessons are reviewed well and the requisite skills are presented properly. Several facilities are waiting for more qualified nursing assistants; thus, if you want to be among them, check the CNA classes provided by the following institutions.

Schofield Residence

Schofield Residence is one of the healthcare institutions in Western New York offering a paid CNA training. With the increasing number of patient admissions in their facility, they require more nursing assistants to fill their needs. Individuals who apply and become qualified for employment will go through a 100-hour training program in their facility. They will take a written exam and clinical test first to ensure they can read and write well and are free from any communicable disease. CNA classes take place once a year and applications are accepted six weeks prior. The training covers five weeks of classroom lectures, skills demonstrations and actual clinical experience. Students will be supervised by a Certified Nursing Assistant or a Registered Nurse during the clinical rotation.

CNA Classes in Western New York in New Hope Education Center

New Hope Education Center is providing CNA training programs and other short courses for individuals living in western New York. They have new facilities to cater to the needs of aspiring CNA’s who wish to study and become qualified nursing assistants. The training program is designed for fresh high school graduates but it is also available for adults who are unemployed or who plan to switch careers. They will be supervised and trained by qualified instructors who are Licensed Nurses and Nursing Assistants. As with other CNA programs, students will go through classroom lectures, skills training and clinical rotations in an approved healthcare facility. This training will allow every student to learn the fundamentals of nursing and other principles needed for their profession. Most importantly, students will  have a good overview of the certification exam because they will have had skills simulation and one-on-one training. .

Kingsborough Community College

Kingsborough Community College has a CNA training program for aspiring students in western New York. This program is comprised of three courses which is quite different from other training courses. The first course covers the basic concepts of the CNA profession. Students will develop awareness of the ethical and legal issues surrounding the medical profession and they will come to understand the psychological and physical needs of every patient. The second course, on the other hand, is about CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation which will be given by the American Heart Association (AHA) upon completion of the course. The third and last course trains students how to care for patients with various mental impairments like dementia. They will have 30 hours of clinical experience supervised by the institution’s reliable instructors. The length of the program is two months or 132 hours and the tuition fee is $700.

CNA Classes in Western New York in York College

York College offers a CNA classes in western New York that include anatomy, physiology, nursing care, basic patient rights, mental health and many others. The training program can be completed in two months’ time. Students in the program should prepare at least $1,299 for the tuition fee and they must be a holder of a high school diploma or GED. The school ensures that students will have an opportunity to learn the profession in a clinical setting. In addition, classroom lectures and skills demonstrations will be taught to prepare aspiring CNA’s for their certification exam. If you wish to become a nursing assistant in New York, take the program at York College. They also have other courses like EKG technology and phlebotomy training if you are interested.

Lehman College

Using a state-of-the-art SIM Lab, Lehman College’s Nursing Assistant Certificate is a New York State Education Department approved training for those seeking employment as CNAs in hospitals, nursing homes, hospices and home health agencies. CNAs work directly with patients providing quality patient care. Duties include: help with dressing; bathing; feeding; toileting; taking vital signs; catheter care; assisting with ambulation; range of motion exercises; and moving patients to bed and from bed to wheelchair. Students must complete the course and clinical to be eligible to take the New York State credentialing examination.

Lehman College has a CNA training program that spans one month or less, depending on the type of schedule obtained by the student. The training prepares every aspiring CNA for the certification exam. It will cover the basic principles of nursing like anatomy, physiology, patient care, nutrition and many other areas. Skills will be demonstrated to ensure that these individuals are prepared for a hospital and nursing home internship.

Tuition fees:

  • CNA 100 / 130 hours / COTC / $1295 (tuition for a total program that can be paid in three payments )
  • CNA 111 Anatomy and Physiology /15 sessions / 50 hours / $495
  • CNA 112 Fundamentals of Patient Care /15 sessions /50 hours /$495
  • CNA 110 Clinical Rotation /10 sessions /30 hours /$305

The program above is qualified for Workforce1 ITG Vouchers. Workforce1 Career Centers issue individual Training Grant (ITG) vouchers and provide funding for occupational skills training that leads to employment in New York City high-demand occupations.