CNA Classes In North Dakota

Obtaining a CNA certification in the state of North Dakota is rewarding and exciting. Lot of people choose to become a CNA or Certified Nursing Assistant because this career does not require a long training program and expenses are affordable compared to normal college courses. On this website you can find different schools that offer CNA classes in North Dakota.

The pay for Certified Nursing Assistants in North Dakota varies on the type of work or specialization. An entry level CNA usually start at an annual salary of $20,000, but CNAs who are in more specialized field can earn up to $31,000 yearly.

If you want to become a CNA, you can need to undergo a CNA classes in North Dakota which are approved by the state. There are schools like Bismarck State College, Dakota College and Lake Regional State College that offer CNA classes, as well as all the school above on this page. Make sure to check the curriculum first, before undergoing CNA training. North Dakota requires all aspiring CNA’s to have a minimum of 80 hours classroom sessions and 35 hours clinical experience.

The training will be handled by a Registered Nurse who has a solid experience on the medical field. CNA schools normally costs around $1,200 but some of them offer lower tuition fees. In addition to this, you will also be required to pay the books, materials and uniforms needed in the training proper.

The CNA classes in North Dakota will enable you to learn the basic responsibilities of a Certified Nursing Assistant. You will know how to handle the patients, the hospital equipments and many other things. You will also be placed in a real hospital or nursing home setting in order to practice the skills learned from the training. Once you passed the training, you will be eligible to take the CNA exam provided by the state of North Dakota. The exam will be in two parts; written part and clinical skills test (CST).

The written exam will include multiple choice questions, where your knowledge will be tested. Clinical skills test will let you demonstrate specific nursing skills on a test patient or a mannequin. You have to pass both exams in order to become certified. I

As soon as you passed the CNA exam, your name will be listed on the Nurse Aide Registry of North Dakota. You will undergo a background check and fingerprinting prior to certification because the state wants to have a CNA with clean criminal record. If you are convicted with abuse or any criminal felony in the past, you will not be certified. However, if you successfully completed and passed these steps, you will get your certification and become eligible to work in hospitals, nursing homes and long term care facilities.

The renewal of license should be done every two years and you have to present a proof of employment stating that you have practiced your profession. If you failed to pass this process, you will be asked to take a CNA exam again.

CNA Salary and Job Outlook in North Dakota

CNA Salary in North Dakota 1

North Dakota has around 7000 nursing assitants working currently, with an average salary of $29,520. This makes an median hourly wage of around $14,19. Job outlook for CNAs in ND like elsewhere in US is positive and there is growing demand for nursing assistants in the healthcare sector.

CNA Work Experience in North Dakota

All North Dakota State Approved CNA Programs