Accredited CNA Programs in the Bronx

It is not allowed for any individual to work as a Certified Nursing Assistant without having his/her name on the Nurse’s Aide Registry. The state of New York has its own registry and this office is responsible for maintaining the records of nurse’s aides and investigating their status over time. If you want to on the CNA list, you will have to undergo an accredited training program. Once this program is completely finished, you can proceed to the certification exam. Basically, the process of becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant is not difficult. As long as you have the determination and passion to serve different kinds of patients or residents, you will definitely love this profession. However, before this happens, seeking the right institution is necessary. If you are living in the Bronx, New York, you have to do some research to ensure that you get the best training. Have a look at some of the accredited schools and healthcare institutions offering a CNA training program in the Bronx, New York.

Accredited CNA Programs in Bronx Community College Office of Continuing and Professional Studies:

Bronx Community College is offering a CNA class through their Continuing and Professional Studies division. Individuals interested in the program should be 18 years or older, a high school graduate with a clean criminal record, no communicable disease and fully immunized. The training is usually offered year round so individuals who cannot catch up with the last program can wait a few months to enroll. Students will learn the basic knowledge and skills that every CNA should have. They will be supervised by a licensed nurse or CNA and will undergo a number of hours of classroom lectures, laboratory training and hands-on clinical experience. There will also be written and oral examinations during the process in to prepare students for the upcoming certification exam which entitles them to work as a Certified Nursing Assistant.

Accredited CNA Programs in Apple Training:

Big Apple Training offers a CNA program for eight weeks at a cost of $1,100. This program is tailor-made for individuals who are high school graduates and the unemployed seeking a regular job. The CNA training will accept a limited number of students so they can fully learn the skills of a potential nursing assistant. Although the training is quite short, students will be taught the basic patient care procedures. They will be supervised by a licensed CNA and they will be exposed to a clinical setting in order to handle actual patients. The Big Apple Training in the Bronx, New York is an accredited institution for CNA training and a perfect venue to launch a great career in the healthcare field.

Accredited CNA Programs at ABC Training Center:

ABC Training Center offers short courses like CNA training. This program features a small class size so that students can learn fully and have their needs met. Usually, the program takes a few weeks to finish. During the training, there will be classroom lectures, laboratory training and clinical exposure. These three types of learning will form the groundwork for students to grasp the nature of the job. There are exams along the way, and ultimately students will gain a good perspective of the certification exam. They will be fully prepared to work as professional nursing assistants and will have a greater chance of becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant.

Accredited CNA Programs at Hostos Community College:

A CNA training program in the Bronx can be obtained at Hostos Community College. Individuals interested in the course should be high school graduates or a GED holders, with no criminal record or communicable disease. The training lasts for a couple of weeks during which students will have classroom lectures, laboratory training and clinical exposure in an accredited training facility. They will learn several nursing skills relevant to their profession such as the activities of daily living, vital signs taking, range of motion exercises, therapeutic communication, and many others. They will get a glimpse of the certification exam so they will be fully prepared. Hostos Community College is a state-approved facility for CNA training so individuals under the program will definitely be equipped for a career in the healthcare field.

Accredited CNA Programs at New Age Training:

New Age Training offers a nurse’s aide assistant training program that prepares students for the CNA certification. This program is approved by New York State Registry so anyone who completes their training will be eligible to sit for the exam. Although there are requirements needed for the course, students will be equipped with the requisite knowledge and skills of the profession. They will have a greater perspective of the CNA career as they undergo numerous hours of lectures, lab training and clinical exposure. The cost of the program is $1750 including books, uniforms and other training materials. Scholarships might be available some but are usually given to a limited number of students. Nevertheless, the school is guarantees to prepare students for the CNA profession, especially if they are seeking for immediate employment.